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 AnimePlanet Forums Αρχική σελίδα    Development Log    [12/11/08] Server Change + Fixes + Optimization
Δημοσιεύθηκε: Τετ Νοέ 12, 2008 12:16 pm
Απάντηση με παράθεση αυτού του μηνύματος
:: administrator ::
喜多野 栄治
:: administrator ::<br>喜多野 栄治

Συμμετέχει από: 29 Ιούν 03 Δημοσιεύσεις: 1440 Τόπος: Thessaloniki
Dear members, this has been a huge change to AnimePlanet's future. Our new server's horse power has reached beyond our expectations. I completed a small benchmark on the network connection and on the server and I was surprised to see a 35% speed boost in the server's internet access and memory management. In a few words, visitors and members will experience 35% faster browsing than before.

A few fixes since the server transfer...

User Registration
Yes I was aware there was a problem with new member registration causing a page timeout upon submittion. This issue has been addressed and everyone now should be able to register.

MySQL 5 and PHP Fast-CGI Powered
The website is now optimized for MySQL 5 which offers alot of new features and most importantly better memory/caching management. Also a new PHP mode is now in use called Fast-CGI. This CGI mode allows code buffering for faster code parsing/processing.

Happy, fast and most of all secure browsing all! Smile

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