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Δημοσίευση νέας  Θ.Ενότητας

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 AnimePlanet Forums Αρχική σελίδα    Development Log    [25/03/08] AP Videos Update + Picture DB Adjustments + Bugs
Δημοσιεύθηκε: Τρι Μάρ 25, 2008 7:17 pm
Απάντηση με παράθεση αυτού του μηνύματος
:: administrator ::
喜多野 栄治
:: administrator ::<br>喜多野 栄治

Συμμετέχει από: 29 Ιούν 03 Δημοσιεύσεις: 1440 Τόπος: Thessaloniki
25th March, a good day to celebrate the Greek revolution and to... write a few lines of code Razz

Releasing AP Videos Addition module
Been working on this for some time now (lol yeah I know, sucks to wait huh). Now's the time to release the add-module. This will allow all members to add videos, but they wont be visible to the public (basically they will be added to the back-end for authorization). Until the navigation / viewer is released, make sure you spam the damn thing with japan/anime-related videos (and dont forget to link videos with anime titles, its a nice feature and you'll be surprised to see how it works later on).

Time to increase the number of pictures per title
Magic number... 24! Each title now can hold up to 24 pictures / screenshots. This has been basically doubled from 12. Time to spam with pictures? You've got that right!

Gallery selection + Mod Topic Split [All] bug detected
For some time I've been concerned with those, gotta scan the code (a very time-consuming procedure for phpBB) and eliminated them. I'm reporting those here so people can be aware (so dont report them).

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Δημοσίευση νέας  Θ.Ενότητας
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